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新店家歡迎你加入NEW STYLE團隊 店址位於:曉陽路麥當勞順發3c正旁 只要肯學.再短時間一定輔導你成為設計師
C&J was established in 1985 which is one of the best manufacturers for electronic components. We insist to do the right thing and do the thing correct. To set up the goal for the company, make the most economical investment, sufficient management and that would lead to more favorable output. We believe that to follow these policies is the energy to make great progress. We make sure all operations are completed in house to meet OEM and ODM requirements. And we are able to offer whole package service. In addition, our well-equipped laboratory helps us assure quality and process controls are performed properly. Design-to-Order. Products can be modified( or designed) by customer request. As current age, lots of products fullfilled market. Many companies will need more speed on new product design. Then Cenlink can offer Design-to-Order for these customers. Help all our customers, speeding their new product design.
Yiman Infotek is continue to grow during the past three year, and crossing to several fields. Base on multimedia interactive design, we have gathered strength and self-training to increase high quality to service in all kind of corporations in Taiwan. Our main business is the web development which involves two groups: Visual Art Design Dept and IT Dept. This year, we are going to combine other expertise to increase our services which are BTOB, BTOC, and CTOC. The new business line will be intensive integrated of developing mobile phone video and corporate with internet server to clients. If you are the one who wants a stage to prove your skill or need an environment to mature your skill, please submit your resume and join us as possible. 本公司是專注於IT產業多媒體互動軟體研發設計 1. 主業務為互動軟體規劃包含企業External and Intranet 系統整合、視覺UI設計,、多媒體設計 2. 次業務為網站設計、平面印刷設計、及3D建模 A.) 網站設計: 包含各大中小企業網站前台視覺設計,及後台系統規劃。研發技術以 HTML, XML, CSS, FLASH AS, ASP.NET, ASP, SQL2005, PHP5, MYSQL, and others relative B.) 平面設計: 包含 CS 系統設計,平面規劃設計到包裝設計 C.) 著重於Maya 3D 建模及運用於網路3D 3. 藉由科技與藝術創作的結合,品牌行銷搭配互動多媒體及網路行銷,更為廣泛及應用,進而提更高層次的品牌形。 如以有相關人員請投遞履歷到 [email protected] 或者經由518
何嘉仁國際文教機構成立於1983年,27年來全心投入教育及文化工作,稟持「誠正、踏實、創新」的理念,堅持提供優質的教學與服務。在各界的肯定與支持下,企業得以穩定的成長。除了台灣各縣市的教育服務據點及書店門市外,2004年也於新加坡成立第一個海外據點,除提供當地幼稚園及國小學生優質學前和語言教育外,更規劃專業完善的冬夏令營遊學團服務,是亞洲地區孩子跨向世界最佳的前哨站。2008年年底前更將於加拿大、澳洲及上海成立辦事處,期許讓何嘉仁的教育服務觸角可以向國際延伸。然而「人」是一切服務之本,唯有優質的團隊才能提供優質的服務,是故創造所有學生及工作夥伴最高的學習及工作成就,是機構的期許與目標,完整的訓練計劃則是我們一貫的堅持。目前機構共計有近3000位員工,另有近600位來自美國、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭---等國家的外籍教師夥伴加入我們的行列,期望凝聚跨國界的力量,帶領全亞洲的孩子自信走向世界!Daring to Dream!!誠摯邀請您的加入! Hess Educational Organization was founded in 1983. In the past 25 years, we have dedicated ourselves in pursuing excellence in the areas of education and cultural awareness. Through the hard work, dedication and creativity of our international workforce, we have steadily grown each year, including the establishment of our first international school in Singapore. We provide an excellent learning environment for both our students and team members, ensuring that each individual reaches his or her highest learning potential and acquires a sense of accomplishment. As a result, employee training is regarded as one of our most important and biggest investments. We currently employ nearly 3,000 employees, including 600 from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Our diverse international workforce allows us to provide a wealth of experience, culture and different perspectives that we can pass on to our students. We welcome you to join our excellent team.
ODM為主要業務 Sourced by major consumer products chain stores Thincom Technology Co. Ltd is a Taiwan-based manufacturer of pico projector and digital photo frames. With advanced expertise and dedication to superb quality Thincom Technology Co. Ltd is approved by buyers well known in world. We specialize in video and mold design and offer one-stop technical support and engineering consulting services. Our RD team caters to your particular needs and releases up to three new innovations each quarter for you to select. If you can’t find the exact design you need in our range, Thincom Technology will customize your particular ideas or needs. We can also affix your logos and brand names to our products.
【合記】成立於1962年,為台灣地區專業醫學及相關生命科學之圖書出版社暨歐美原版書之代理商,出版類別包含醫學、牙科、藥理、護理、食品營養、生物科技……等,目前擁有七家門市部,分別位於各大醫學院校或教學中心級醫院前,作為銷售通路。並於專業的領域中延攬人才撰寫及翻譯各類書籍,以及與國際知名之出版社合作出版。以不斷提供最新的資訊及追求高品質的出版品為宗旨。 Established in 1962, HO-CHI has grown up to be one major publisher and exclusive distributor in the profession of medicine and life science in Taiwan, offering publications in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacology, Nursing, Food Nutrition,? Biotechnology, etc.? Now HO-CHI is running seven bookstores islandwide, all in the neighborhood of medical colleges or central teaching hospitals, to serve our target markets efficiently. By inviting writings or translations from professors and physicians, and working with well-reputated international publishers, HO-CHI regards it a critical mission to update readers with new information and to produce publications of high-quality in a long run.
何嘉仁國際文教機構成立於1983年,25年來全心投入教育及文化工作,稟持「誠正、踏實、創新」的理念,堅持提供優質的教學與服務。在各界的肯定與支持下,企業得以穩定的成長。除了台灣各縣市的教育服務據點及書店門市外,2004年也於新加坡成立第一個海外據點,除提供當地幼稚園及國小學生優質學前和語言教育外,更規劃專業完善的冬夏令營遊學團服務,是亞洲地區孩子跨向世界最佳的前哨站。2008年年底前更將於加拿大、澳洲及上海成立辦事處,期許讓何嘉仁的教育服務觸角可以向國際延伸。然而「人」是一切服務之本,唯有優質的團隊才能提供優質的服務,是故創造所有學生及工作夥伴最高的學習及工作成就,是機構的期許與目標,完整的訓練計劃則是我們一貫的堅持。目前機構共計有近3000位員工,另有近600位來自美國、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭---等國家的外籍教師夥伴加入我們的行列,期望凝聚跨國界的力量,帶領全亞洲的孩子自信走向世界!Daring to Dream!!誠摯邀請您的加入! Hess Educational Organization was founded in 1983. In the past 25 years, we have dedicated ourselves in pursuing excellence in the areas of education and cultural awareness. Through the hard work, dedication and creativity of our international workforce, we have steadily grown each year, including the establishment of our first international school in Singapore. We provide an excellent learning environment for both our students and team members, ensuring that each individual reaches his or her highest learning potential and acquires a sense of accomplishment. As a result, employee training is regarded as one of our most important and biggest investments. We currently employ nearly 3,000 employees, including 600 from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Our diverse international workforce allows us to provide a wealth of experience, culture and different perspectives that we can pass on to our students. We welcome you to join our excellent team.
Shan-Ling Industrial Co., Ltd. as founded in 1983, has been dedicating for the past two decades to the researching and production of valve balls, one of the major parts for the ball valves. In the early stage of operation, the company specialized in the production of valve balls, due to the reliable quality, its products of valve balls are well accepted by the local customers of valve manufacturers and have been exporting to many countries in the world. As we have successfully gained the recognition in the market on the stainless steel balls, we extend our expertise in developing new stainless steel pipe flanges. With the highest quality, advanced technology and exceptional service, we strike to be the leader in the industry. The flanges are manufactured in accordance with international standard specification (DIN. ANSI. JIS), material includes: 304, 304L, 316, 316L…or any other special material, available upon request. 山靈企業股份有限公司成立於1987年, 除了早期致力於專業得閥球製作外, 近年來更積極地朝白鐵鑄造得法蘭片領域前進, 無論在品質. 技術與服務上, 均備受業界之推崇與肯定。 本公司的法蘭片乃依據國際標準規範(DIN, ANSI, JIS)生產製作, 材質多採不鏽鋼304, 304L, 316, 316L…, 除上述之標準規格外, 亦可接受客戶指定之特殊尺寸。
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